도서의 소개


This book is a record of the bold dreams and challenges of author DAVID Ok, who is the CEO of the Korea Israel Business Council and the founder of Kkummer Space. After learning, understanding, and loving Israel, the author's new dream is to make the startup DNA of Israel bloom in South Korea.

Therefore, ‘dreamer’ DAVID Ok dreams that ‘Startup Israel’ will become ‘Startup South Korea’ in the future. He has been visiting Israel for over 10 years, and he willingly shares his valuable network, which he has built up with difficulty, from former prime ministers to startup legends, for those who dream like himself.

One person's dream and passion make another person's heart beat. DAVID Ok hopes that young Koreans are full of global dreams and passions like himself in their youth and is working with them to create a playground for dreamers. He dreams, plays, challenges, and longs to share at Kkummer Space. So, this is ultimately the life he wants.

출판사 서평

“A person who lived as he dreamed."

■ Key Contents and Features
① The vividly portrayed Israeli startup ecosystem is captured through the author's firsthand experiences.
Israel, which is known vaguely as a land of conflict, religion, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people, is actually shown to be a cutting-edge ‘startup nation’ through the author's vivid experiences.

② The people who drive the global Israeli startup can be naturally encountered.
In a country with a land area of only Gangwon Province in South Korea and a population of less than ten million, powerful technology and patents move the world, with a vast human network laid beneath it.

③ One can learn the author's startup and network know-how that he gained by traveling between Israel and South Korea.
One can listen to the dynamic world of startups and networks that only those who have created and raised them can know, with the author's passionate voice.

④ One can get ideas for promising startup items that will create the near future society.
Why should we learn startup DNA from Israel? Because South Korea's future food is spread out infinitely over the sea of startups, from autonomous vehicles to metaverses.

⑤ The book provides practical know-how on how young entrepreneurs can start and grow their startups.
The author, who has trained many young entrepreneurs, guides future young entrepreneurs on new paths with delicate and warm touches based on accumulated know-how.
